Safexpress has made a significant investment to set up this world-class Logistics infrastructure in Kolkata. The development of Safexpress Logistics Park in Kolkata has …

Meanwhile, Vineet Kanaujia, vice president – Marketing, Safexpress said, "Given the vital role Assam plays in connecting Northeast to the rest of the country, Safexpress has recently built up an ultra-modern Logistics Park at Guwahati. We have invested Rs 30 crore in creating this state-of-the-art logistics park at Guwahati.
As a result of the expansion, the company's turnover is likely to touch Rs 1,000 crore by 2010. The company expects to fund its expansion through internal accruals and debt as it claims to have strong bottomline and cash reserves. The privately-held Safexpress has been growing at 35 per cent and posted a turnover of Rs 450 crore in 2006-07.
Supply chain and logistics company Safexpress is planning to invest Rs 600 crore for setting up logistics parks across the country, of which one third of the money would go into the southern states. "We have strengthened our presence in north, central and east and now it is time to focus on south India," said Vineet Kanujia, general manager ...
Safexpress is one of the largest Logistics Network in Northeast. Safexpress has recently built up an ultra-modern Logistics Park at Guwahati. The company has invested Rs 30 crore in creating this state-of-the-art Logistics Park at Guwahati. The facility spreads over an area of more than one million sq ft.
Safexpress, supply chain and logistics company, has announced the biggest-ever investment by a logistics company in the Northeast region. At the occasion of the Advantage Assam Global Investors Summit being held on February 3-4 at Guwahati, Rubal Jain, Managing Director, Safexpress addressed the media. Safexpress, which has the …
Further, Rakesh Puri and Manju Puri jointly invested Rs 1 crore in the company. The remaining sum came from sixteen other individuals. As per Fintrackr 's estimates, the company has been valued at Rs 600 crore or $75 million (post-money) and achieved nearly 2X jump in its valuation as compared to its last round. In June 2020, Kale Logistics ...
Dans l'usine du futur, la traçabilité permet de suivre avec précision chaque commande. Dès que le client commande son véhicule, les matières premières sont préparées, les fournisseurs informés et les flux logistiques déterminés. Cette synchronisation complète de toutes les étapes de production permet d'assurer le respect des ...
Safexpress Ltd, a leading supply chain and logistics firm, is looking at a Rs 1000-crore investment over a five-year span for setting up new logistics facilities and expanding its existing network. ... › Safexpress sees 1000 cr investment in 5 yrs. ... "Out of the Rs 1,000 crore investment plan, Rs 600 crore will go into setting up logistic ...
NEW DELHI: Logistics solutions provider Safexpress on Monday said it aims to earn a turnover of Rs 1,000 crore in next three years as the company plans to expand its operation and strengthen supply chain infrastructure. "Growing at a rate of 40 per cent, we are targeting Rs 1,000 crore turnover by 2010 from Rs 500 crore currently.
Kotak Data Center Fund (KDCF), managed by Kotak Alternate Asset Managers (KotakAlt), has invested Rs 600 crore in Sify Infinit Spaces (SISL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sify Technologies. The current investment is in the form of compulsorily convertible debentures, which will be converted into equity based on SISL's successful operation over ...
"Given the vital role Assam plays in connecting northeast to the rest of the country, Safexpress has recently built up an ultra-modern Logistics Park in Guwahati. We have invested Rs 30 crore in creating this state-of-the-art Logistics Park," said Vineet Kanaujia, Vice President - Marketing, Safexpress.
Guwahati, Feb 3 (IANS): Ahead of the much hyped Global Investment Summit, Safexpress, India's largest Supply Chain and Logistics company on Friday announced an investment of Rs 100 crore in the northeastern region. Safexpress, which has the largest Logistics Network in the northeast, is representing the Logistics industry at the Global Summit, …
Kotak Alternate Asset Managers (Kotakalt) on Thursday announced an additional Rs 600 crore investment in Sify Technologies.The investment by Kotak Data Center Fund into Sify Infinit Spaces (SISL), which takes the overall bet by Kotakalt to Rs 1,600 crore, has been deployed for expanding data centre capacity across India and investing in renewable …
T20:11:39+00:00; safexpress investit 600 cr dans 32 parcs logistiques. safexpress investissant rs cr dans les parcs logistiques savoir plus Ils seront toutefois beaucoup plus nombreux à jouer le jeu de l'embauche dans les entreprises de plus de 50 salariés Ils recruteront notamment dans les métiers de production/fabrication, de …
Ecom Express is all set to float its IPO as the firm's board has approved a fundraise of up to Rs 4,860 crore through a public issue of shares. Talk Back. Facebook-f Twitter Linkedin-in. Search. ... OfBusiness revenue nears Rs 20,000 Cr in FY24; profits crosses Rs 600 Cr Read More about Fintrackr. startup news india; Tech Startup News ...
New Delhi: Domestic smartphone maker Lava International plans to raise Rs 500-600 crore next fiscal year starting April 1, 2025, either through an initial public offering or private equity or both, utilising the funds to expand manufacturing, R&D and marketing efforts, managing director Sunil Raina said.
Guwahati, Feb 3 (IANS) Ahead of the much hyped Global Investment Summit, Safexpress, India's largest Supply Chain and Logistics company on Friday announced an investment of Rs 100 crore in the northeastern region. Safexpress, which has the largest Logistics Network in the northeast, is representing the Logistics industry at the Global Summit, …
NEW DELHI: The sole carrier of the last four Harry Potter books in India Safexpress is planning to expand operations and achieve Rs 1,000-crore turnover by 2009-2010. The company plans to double its top line from Rs 500 crore by getting into more contracts for supply chain management and logistics services.