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The original source of most soil P is from the primary mineral apatite, or rock phosphate (RP).Apatite is a highly insoluble Ca-phosphate compound with the general formula of Ca 10 (PO 4) 6 X 2, where X is F − (fluoroapatite), OH − (hydroxyapatite), or Cl − (chloroapatite). In highly weathered, acidic soils, little or none of these apatite minerals …

Ammonia produced as a waste product by the bacteria can make the urine less acidic (or more alkaline). Struvite stones form when the urine becomes more alkaline. The main chemicals in a struvite stone include struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) and calcium carbon-apatite. These stones can grow quickly and become quite large.

We compared our new silver phosphate protocol with the Rapid University of Chicago Dilute (i.e., Rapid UC) technique after Mine et al. (2017) because both procedures include two similar, fundamental steps: i) calcium fluoride (CaF 2) precipitation to isolate phosphate from the structural ions of apatite (e.g., Ca 2+ and F −) and ii) an instantaneous silver …

Phosphorus (P) is a limiting nutrient for primary productivity, and consequently it is thought to control the atmospheric oxygen level on geological time scales (Van Cappellen and Ingall 1994).Phosphorus-rich fertilizer is used in agriculture, and its use has serious implications for future food security (Cordell et al. 2011).Primary P has an igneous origin and occurs …

Upper Jurassic phosphatic stromatolites associated with condensed pelagic sediments in Alpine-Mediterranean paleomargins mainly consist of microbially precipitated francolite, a low crystallinity carbonate fluorapatite. SEM images of microbial phosphate laminae show highly porous colloform textures formed by dense accumulations of micrometre-size …

What is Apatite? Apatite is the name of a group of phosphate minerals with similar chemical compositions and physical properties. They are an important constituent of …

This initial crystal is named brushite. Brushite, which is an equal mixture of calcium and phosphate ions, can convert to hydroxyapatite (HA), which has a more unbalanced …

The phosphate group contains many minerals, but most are extremely rare. Apatite is the only common example. Vanadates and arsenates, which are closely related to the phosphates in chemistry and structure, are also rare. ... Apatite may be any of a number of different colors. The olive-green color seen in Figure 14.431 is most common. Other ...

Struvite stones, also called "infection stones" or Mg-NH 4 + carbonate-apatite stones, only form when urease-producing bacteria are present in the upper urinary tract, Dr. Curhan noted. Complete stone removal is required, and further stones can be prevented by preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs), he said.

Apatite is the most abundant phosphate mineral which include more than 95% of al phosphorus in the Earth´s crust. The seventh chapter of this book provides brief description of sedimentary and igneous phosphate rocks and introduces basic ideas for characterization and classification of phosphate rocks. The chapter continues with …

Phosphate is central to the origin of life (1–4) because it is a key component of nucleotides, phospholipids, and metabolites such as adenosine triphosphate used in cellular replication, compartmentalization, and energy transfer, respectively ().A major issue for prebiotic chemistry is that phosphate combines with Ca 2+ down to micromolar levels to form …

most abundant phosphate mineral. Apatite forms the base of the P cycle, which begins when the (PO 4) 3-phosphate group is released as apatite weathers at the Earth's …

most abundant phosphate mineral. Apatite forms the base of the P cycle, which begins when the (PO 4) 3-phosphate group is released as apatite weathers at the Earth's surface. The mineral occurs in igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, and hydrothermal rock systems, and is the principal

Their phosphate stones are rarely found on plaque but rather seem either to form in free solution or as overgrowths on the open surface of ductal plugs – the end exposed to the urine. ... (2021) showed 60% Calcium oxalate monohydrate, 30% Calcium phosphate (apatite) and 10% Calcium oxalate dihydrate. Most recent analysis (2/20/23) was ...

Apatite crystals are a favorite among collectors with their stubby, terminated, hexagonal prisms, glassy transparency, and soft, yellow-to-greenish-yellow or blue mineral colors.These beautiful crystals rank high on blue gems and minerals lists.Much is mined in Mexico.. However, most of the apatite in the Earth's crust occurs not as macrocrystals, …

The parameters of unit cell, structure, refractive index, solubility data, PO4/CO3 ratio, surface area, etc., are important parameters for characterization of phosphate rocks. Third chapter of this book introduces methods for identification, characterization and properties of apatites in four main sections. The first part describes techniques used …

Reimphoto / Getty Images Apatite (Ca 5 (PO 4) 3 F) is a key part of the phosphorus cycle. It is widespread but uncommon in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Apatite is a family of minerals centered around fluorapatite, or calcium phosphate with a bit of fluorine, with the formula Ca 5 (PO 4) 3 F. Other members of the apatite group have chlorine or hydroxyl …

The presence of highly carbonated apatite has also been proposed as a marker of the presence of bacteria within a stone. We retrospectively studied 368 patients who had undergone percutaneous nephrolithotomy, and who also had culture results for both stone and urine. ... (magnesium ammonium phosphate) in the mineral composition of the …

Osteoblasts create the nano-composite structure of bone by secreting a collagenous extracellular matrix (ECM) on which apatite crystals subsequently form. However, despite their requisite function in building bone and decades of observations describing intracellular calcium phosphate, the precise role osteoblasts play in mediating bone apatite ...

Apatite ; Phosphate rock ; Fluorapatite (Ca5F(PO4)3) ; View More... Molecular Weight. 504.3 g/mol. Computed by PubChem 2.2 (PubChem release 2021.10.14) Component Compounds. CID 14917 (Hydrofluoric Acid) ... Phosphate rock minerals are the only significant global resources of phosphorus.

The two forms of calcium phosphate include apatite (sometimes reported as carbonate apatite), which is the crystal type found in bone, or calcium hydrogen phosphate (brushite); the frequency of apatite is much greater than brushite. Calcium phosphate crystals in the urine sediment are typically dark and amorphous.

Apatite is a mineral that is composed of calcium phosphate, with the chemical formula Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl). It is a member of the apatite group of minerals, which also …

CALCIUM PHOSPHATE STONES. Calcium phosphate (apatite or brushite) is often a minor component of calcium oxalate stones, but sometimes comprises more than 50% of stone material. Risk factors for predominant calcium phosphate stones are hypercalciuria and alkaline urine pH. Most commonly these stones are idiopathic, but such stones …

These stones precipitate in alkaline urine (pH >7.2). Infectious stones are primarily composed of magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate but may in addition contain calcium phosphate in the form of carbonate apatite. 2. Struvite stones are formed as a result of urinary tract infection with urease-producing bacteria.

To determine the nature of the crystalline apatite inclusions that occur in some coral specimens, 1 H{31 P} and 19 F{31 P} REDOR NMR experiments were carried out to identify signals from H or F located in close proximity to P. Fluorapatite is a significant sink for phosphate in marine sediments (Kim et al., 1999) whereas biogenic apatite is ...

There will be three supersaturations: Calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, and uric acid. Inspect the ones related to your stone crystals. For calcium oxalate both calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate supersaturations matter. If calcium phosphate, that one matters most. If pure uric acid, it is uric acid supersaturation. Reduce Them

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